Queuebot Application Terms and Conditions

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By agreeing to the Service Order electronically and using the Company Platform (defined below) and Services (defined below), you (Customer, You, or Your) are accepting these terms of service (referred to as "Terms of Service") and forming a legally binding contract with Adhoc Softwares Private Limited, or its affiliates, as mentioned in the Service Order. These entities may collectively be referred to as "Queuebot."

Each of the entities mentioned above will individually be referred to as "Company," "We," "Us," "Our," or "Chatbot" as needed. If the context requires, Adhoc Softwares Private Limited may also be individually referred to as "Queuebot." For the purposes of this Terms of Service, the Company and You may be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as "Parties."

  1. Introduction:
  2. Queuebot or the relevant Queuebot entity has developed a proprietary interactive artificial intelligence platform (“Company Platform”), which offers multichannel conversational engagement automation services, including but not limited to customer support, sales, marketing, and responses to FAQs referred to as “Services” as detailed in each Service Order executed between the Parties.

    The Company provides Services through a ‘software as a service’ (SaaS) model, where the Company Platform is integrated into Your online platform, including Your website or Your mobile application platform and/or social media channels/platforms as identified by You, to provide You with the Services (“Customer Platform”).

  3. Applicability of Terms of Service:
  4. You must carefully read these Terms of Service before using the Company Platform and Services. By accessing and continuing to use the Company Platform or the website hosting it or the Services, you are unconditionally agreeing to comply with all the obligations stated in these Terms of Service, along with the Service Order, if executed between the Parties, our privacy policy (available at https://Queuebot/privacy-policy/), and any other applicable policies referred to here or made available on the Company Platform. These Terms of Service apply not only to the Company Platform but also to any other platform, application, or website through which the Services are provided by the Company. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, YOU MUST NOT USE THE SERVICES.

  5. Updating Terms of Service:
  6. Your use of the Platform and Services is subject to Your adherence to these Terms of Service, which may be updated, amended, modified, or revised by Queuebot from time to time with or without notice to You. Your continued use of the Platform and Services after any update, amendment, modification, or revision means You agree to it. It’s essential to check these Terms of Service periodically to stay aware of any changes.

  7. Definitions:
  8. If any terms herein are capitalized but not defined in this Terms of Service, they have the meanings given to them in the Service Order executed between You and the Company.

    “Access Credentials” refers to any user name, identification number, password, license, or security key, security token, PIN, or other security code, method, technology, or device used to verify a person’s identity and authorization to access and use the Company Platform. It also includes an employee/user’s registered employee identification number or their official email address, as applicable.

    “Applicable Law” encompasses all laws, statutes, regulations, bylaws, binding codes of conduct, and guidelines, whether local, national, international, or otherwise applicable to the person, act, or activity in question.

    “Authorized Users” refers to all personnel authorized by You to access and use the Company Platform and Services by providing them Access Credentials through Your authorized account to access the Platform.

    “Confidential Information” includes all information (in written, oral, electronic, or other formats) related to the technical, financial, and business affairs, customers, suppliers, products, developments, operations, processes, data, trade secrets, design rights, know-how, and personnel of each Party and its affiliates disclosed to or learned by the other Party in connection with the Services, and the disclosure of such information is treated as confidential.

    “Customer API(s)” are Application Program Interfaces contained within the Hosted Services System of the customer, used to facilitate communications between Customer and company platforms and/or systems.

    “Customer Data” encompasses all data related to Your business, products, services, or any data concerning the Customer Platform, including Personal Information shared by End User(s) on the Customer Platform and shared by You with the Company for provision of the Services.

    “End Users” are the users of the Customer Platform.

    “Intellectual Property Rights” cover all intellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered, including patents, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, trade names, logos, copyrights, trade secrets, know-how, and other confidential information.

    “Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, or is capable of being associated with an identified or identifiable living natural person, including identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, email address, or other similar identifiers.

    “Service Order” refers to the mutually agreed and executed agreement between the Parties, outlining commercial terms and conditions, integration of Services with the Customer Platform, provision of the Services by the Company to You, Your use of the Company Platform, payment of Service Fee, and more.

    “Term” is defined in the Service Order.

    “WhatsApp Business Solution Services” denote the WhatsApp services and functionality made available to the Customer.


    The Company will provide You with the Services as per the terms and conditions outlined here and in the Service Order. In case of any conflict between the terms/provisions of this Terms of Service and the respective Service Order (including any exhibits or attachments), the Service Order terms, as applicable, will prevail for that specific Service Order.

    The Company grants the Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-assignable, revocable right to use and access the Services according to the terms and conditions specified herein and the Service Order.

    The Company will provide the Services and technical support to the Customer in accordance with the Service level terms provided here or in one or more Service Orders.

    If your use of Services extends to WhatsApp Business Solution Services, in addition to the terms specified in the Service Order and these Terms of Service, you agree to comply with the WhatsApp Business Solution Services’ terms of use or any other terms mandated by WhatsApp and/or Meta.

  1. Termination for convenience:
  2. Either Party can terminate the Service Order for convenience with a 30-day notice to the other party. If the Customer terminates the Service Order for convenience, it will be liable to pay the Company the Fees due for the remaining period of the Term.

  3. Termination for breach:
  4. Either Party can terminate the Service Order due to a material breach by the other Party, provided that the breaching Party does not cure the breach within 30 days of being notified.

  5. Termination for liquidation or insolvency:
  6. Either Party can terminate the Service Order immediately in specific circumstances, such as liquidation or insolvency proceedings.

  7. Effects of Termination:
  8. Upon termination of the Service Order, each Party shall return and make no further use of any equipment, property, materials, and other items belonging to the other Party. Rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities accrued up to the date of termination won’t be affected. If the Customer terminates the Service Order without cause, the Company won’t be obligated to refund fees paid by the Customer up to the date of termination.

    Termination or suspension doesn’t release Parties from any existing claims under the Service Order or the Terms of Service.

Acceptable Use of Services
  1. General restrictions:
  2. Customer shall not (and shall not permit any third party to): (a) rent, lease, provide access to, resell, or sublicense the Services to a third party or provide the Services to a third party as a managed service; (b) use the Services to provide, or incorporate the Services into, any product or service provided to a third party; (c) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or seek to obtain the source code, except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law (and then only upon advance notice to the Company); (d) copy or modify the Services or any part thereof or create derivative works from them; (e) remove or obscure any proprietary or other notices in the Services; (f) publicly disseminate information regarding the performance of the Services; (g) use the Company Platform and the Services for the purpose of distributing unsolicited communications or messages.

  3. Authorized Users:
  4. The Company will provide Access Credentials to the Customer and its Authorized Users for accessing and using the Company Platform. It’s the Customer’s responsibility to safeguard the Access Credentials and not allow third parties to access and use the Company Platform.

  5. General obligations:
  6. The Customer shall (a) comply with all Applicable Laws in connection with its use of the Company Services and Customer Data, including data privacy laws; (b) not upload, post, reproduce, or distribute any information, software, or material protected by copyright, privacy rights, or any other Intellectual Property Right without obtaining permission; (c) ensure that Customer Data doesn’t contain viruses, malware, or harmful content; (d) ensure valid Customer API(s) are available for the Company to use and access for providing Services; (e) provide cooperation and information required by the Company to fulfill its obligations, including completing the integration of Company Platform with Customer Platform.

  7. Modification to Services:
  8. The Company reserves the right to modify the Services and the Company Platform. Such modification will not directly or indirectly hinder or adversely affect the Services.

  9. Third-party use/software:
  10. The Company isn’t responsible for defects or errors (i) occurring for reasons beyond its control and not reported to the Company, (ii) caused by modification or misuse of the Company’s Platform by the Customer or its Authorized Users, or (iii) resulting from integration with third-party platforms or software by the Customer. Integration with third-party platforms is subject to the terms and conditions of those platforms, which the Customer must comply with.

Service Availability and Support

    The Services will be available 99.9% of the time during the Term, excluding holidays, weekends, and scheduled maintenance. Any downtime during these hours due to maintenance requested by the Customer will not be counted. Downtime resulting from third-party outages or other reasons beyond the Company’s control will also be excluded.

    Customer’s sole remedy, and Company’s liability, for Service availability will be a credit of 5% of Fees for each period of downtime lasting over one hour, limited to one credit per day. Such credits can’t be redeemed for cash and are capped at one week’s worth of Service Fees per month.

    Downtime accrues from the time of notification by the Customer and continues until Service availability is restored. Customer must notify the Company within 24 hours of downtime to receive credit.

    Downtime credits don’t affect accrued rights, remedies, obligations, or liabilities of the Parties.

    Escalation Process: We have defined a process for customers to submit complaints about bugs, features, or other issues not resolved within the platform. This process includes priority levels based on impact, and escalation steps as follows:

    Step 1: Document your complaint and report it to the Support Team via link or email to support@Queuebot.in, cc the customer success manager (L1).

    Step 2: Send your complaint to the Queue Customer Success Manager (L2).

    Step 3: Send your complaint to the Queue Customer Success Head (L3).

    Step 4: Send your complaint to the Queue Director of Customer Experience (L4).

    In accordance with this Terms of Service, the Company is not liable for any defects, bugs, or errors in the Company Platform and software due to Data or for specific uptime, scheduled downtime, and resolution time detailed in the respective Service Order.

This rewritten Privacy Policy aims to make the content more accessible and understandable for everyone. It simplifies the legal language while retaining the key points and obligations outlined in the original document.

Customer Data
  1. Use of Your Data:
  2. You give us permission to use Your information (known as “Customer Data”) to provide our services. We may also analyze this data to improve our services.

  3. Responsibility for Data:
  4. You are responsible for the accuracy, legality, and proper use of Customer Data. You must also comply with all applicable laws, especially those regarding data protection and user consent.

  5. Data Privacy:
  6. We’ll do our best to keep Your data private and secure, following the law and best practices for data protection.

  7. Content Control:
  8. You’re in charge of the content in the data you send us.

  9. Third-party use/software:
  10. The Company isn’t responsible for defects or errors (i) occurring for reasons beyond its control and not reported to the Company, (ii) caused by modification or misuse of the Company’s Platform by the Customer or its Authorized Users, or (iii) resulting from integration with third-party platforms or software by the Customer. Integration with third-party platforms is subject to the terms and conditions of those platforms, which the Customer must comply with.

Intellectual Property
  1. Your Data: You own Your data; we don’t.
  2. Our Platform and Services: We own our platform and services. You can use them but don’t get any ownership rights.
  3. Customization: If we make changes to our platform for you, we still own those changes.
Promises and Warranties

We both promise that we have the legal right to enter into and perform this agreement. We also promise that our agreement is legal and binding.

Fees and Payments

You need to pay us the fees we agreed upon. If you don’t, we can temporarily suspend your access to our services.

Warranty and Disclaimer

We’ll do our best to provide you with reliable services, but we can’t guarantee that they will be perfect. Sometimes, things like maintenance, technical issues, or events beyond our control can cause interruptions.


We both agree to keep each other’s information confidential and only use it for our agreement’s purposes.

Governing Law

Our agreement is governed by the laws of India, and any disputes will be handled in the courts of Bangalore, India.


This agreement is the entire understanding between us. If any part of it is found to be invalid, it won’t affect the rest. We’re not forming a partnership or employment relationship, and both of us can’t assign our rights without the other’s agreement. If something beyond our control affects our agreement, neither of us will be held responsible.

This revised agreement aims to be clear and understandable for everyone, without complicated legal jargon.